(414) 617-9500
Sound Therapy
Sound frequencies affect everything about us. The correct vibrational frequencies can be used to heal and balance our bodies. Sound is energy. Tuning forks therapy uses both sound and sound vibrations to help the organs, tissues and the cells of the body heal.
Like adjusting a piano, your body can be tuned to achieve optimal balance. Tapping two tuning forks will instantaneously alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance.
When the body is in perfect health and all the parts are vibrating to the correct note, the body is like an orchestra playing beautiful music. Think of the different body parts as musical instruments all vibrating at their own unique frequency or pitch. When the body is in perfect health, all parts are playing the right note at the correct tempo and vibrating in harmony.
When a tuning fork is struck, the air around the fork vibrates, sending out impulses through the air. Because of this, they are used to increase the amount of energy on parts of the body they are trying to heal.
The fork is struck and placed near a chakra or any body part that needs to heal. The chakras are where the nerve centers are found along the spine that send impulses to the different organs, so by energizing these areas, you stimulate the organs into greater health-giving activity.